About Trish Lawson

My name is Trish Lawson, the creator and writer of Homesteader Scoop, a website dedicated to all things home, art, DIY and interior design. With a passion for creating beautiful and functional spaces, we share the knowledge and expertise on a variety of topics, from home renovation and DIY projects to art and interior design.

Trish Lawson

Trish Lawson

About Homesteader scoop

Homesteader Scoop is not just a website for those who are interested in home design and decorating, it’s also a community of like-minded individuals who share a passion for creating beautiful and functional spaces. Trish shares her own personal journey of renovating and decorating her own home, which serves as inspiration for others who are looking to make changes to their own homes. She also shares tips and tricks on everything from DIY projects and home renovation to art and interior design, making it easy for anyone to create their own beautiful and functional space.

The website is a resource for anyone who is looking for inspiration and ideas for their own home, whether they are looking to renovate, redecorate, or simply add a personal touch to their space

In addition to the website, I also offers consulting services to those who are looking for more personalized help with their home design and decorating projects. She works with clients to create a customized design plan that reflects their personal style and interests, and provides guidance and support throughout the process.

Overall, Homesteader Scoop is a website that is dedicated to helping people to create beautiful and functional spaces in their own homes. Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast, a home renovation pro, or simply looking for inspiration and ideas, Trish’s website is the perfect resource. Follow her journey as she transforms her own home and inspires others to do the same.